Ford Four

Ford Four


My Sister

Today is Shelly's birthday. Some people are extremely attached to one parent or another. I'm very close to my parents, but its my sister that I'm overly attached to. She is my bestfriend. We've gone through a lot together, some good, some bad. We weren't the greatest sisters when we were young, but as we've grown, we've grown together. She's the first one I call, well, with anything; questions, news, boredom. It doesn't matter. I rarely go a day without talking to her. Jeff gets three breaks a year: summer, Christmas, and spring breaks. Guess where they are spent? Yep! At Shelly's. It does help that she married my favorite youth sponsor, and Jeff, even, gets along with her! (that's a joke: Jeff gets along with everyone...him and Shelly like to barb each other.) Here is Shelly with Uncle Loyed. She will always be his girl and he'll tell you as much. Of course when it comes to Uncle Loyed, none of us Bailey's would be what we are without him. Maybe him being such a fun uncle is why Shelly is such a fun Aunt. Here she is messing with Garrett. She really is a great aunt. All of the kids adore her. Just ask Edana who her favorite person in the whole world is! Its Shelly, and Uncle Shawn is "the man." (yes, he taught her to say that when she was about a year and a half) When it comes to having babies, there is one person I can't be without. Shelly! (Sorry, Jeff and mom) No, I want them there too, but Shelly is the one who keeps me calm and focused. I pray I'm induced because I'm afraid if I went into labor on my own, she wouldn't make it here in time. Then, what would I do! I don't want to think about it. Last Spring Shelly graduated from the LPN program at a local college where she lives. She was, of course, at the top of her class. She is too ambitious to stop there, though. She is in school getting a few more classes under her belt so that she can complete the RN program. Personally, I think she should be an OB nurse. Take it from someone whose had her in the room with them during delivery. No one else could do a better job. Most people see her life as good and near perfect. It hasn't always been this way. She's had harder times than most could even imagine, but by the grace of God, she's always come out on top. She is my sister and best friend, but she is also one of my heros. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHELLY!!!!!


The Hickmans said...

What a sweet post! You brought tears to my eyes. Sisters are the bsst- irreplacable!

Shelly said...

OK, I'm cryin' like a baby now! I love you too. There is nobody else in the world that really understands what I've been through the way you do. Thank you for always being there for me!
I love you!