Ford Four

Ford Four


bringing home baby

With all three of my other babies we've stayed 2 nights in the hospital. i am a firm believer that every woman should get 3 days in the hospital for recovery. This time we didn't have a good reason to stay, so we came home Tuesday afternoon. Things have gone fine, but there have been a few times, I wish we had a nurse here. (Shelly had to head back home for work and school.) Anyway, here's a few shots of coming home with Rileigh Cait.A good friend brought me the flowers. With three pink ones, Edana and I decided it was one for each girl in the family. Daddy taking everything to the car. It is amazing how much you accumulate in one night! Snuggled up and ready for the ride home! She didn't even cry when I put her in her seat. I couldn't believe it.
Finally in the car and ready to go home. We took Jeff's car and left the van for mom. Boy did it make me glad we have the van. His car is so tiny, we almost couldn't fit her seat in the back. AT HOME!! Isn't she beautiful. She was fussy and I couldn't figure out what to do for her. I took her clothes off and she calmed right down. She cuddled up to me and we slept for three straight hours! We are all very thankful to be home with our beautiful baby girl. Thank you all for your prayers and sharing in our joy.


Anonymous said...

She is beautiful!! I love her lips in the bottom picture. It looks like she is posing!

Unknown said...

I couldn't believe I got to hold her so soon. It looked like I didn't know how to hold a tiny baby. I've checked you every day to see if you had a new post like that is all you have to do now. I love reading yours, Shelly's and Shawna's blogs. Maybe I'll be a little more comfortable holding her next time. Kathaleen

Shelly said...

She does look a lot like Aidan!