Ford Four

Ford Four


Wild Weekend

We had one crazy busy weekend. From date night, to birthday parties, to baby showers. It was non-stop for the Fords. Knowing all the thing going on this week, I talked mom into babysitting for Jeff and me on Friday. We actually went on a date! I was so excited. We had a little miscommunication and Jeff ended up in town with no gas and no way to buy gas. Opps! Mom and the kids ran me to town so we just went from there on our date. Unfortunately, I looked horrible. (Well, I felt like I did in my everday clothes, no make-up, and ponytail.) We did some shopping. I even got to go to Kirklands! Then went to dinner at Red Lobster since there was no point in going to Shogun if I can't eat sushi. It was WONDERFUL! We ran into some of my old friends just as we were preparing to leave. I was so suprised to see Jessica coming to our table. I read her blog all the time, but I hadn't seen her and David in ages. It was a very fun date night...probably our last before the baby comes. That may be wishful think because I'm so ready to have this baby!
Our first stop brought a suprise as well....If you've seen pictures, you know how skinny Jeff is, well he went to get out of the car and his belt broke! Now, that was funny. So, instead of my husband getting to look at the latest comics at Vintage Stock, we ended up at Wal-mart. He grabbed a new belt and went to pay for it and put it on. While I waited, I wandered through the kids clothes. Know what happens when you leave me alone in wal-mart too long...I buy stuff. Actually, I was very excited by the time Jeff got back. Edana had made it known that she wanted to match Rileigh Cait at Easter this year. I couldn't quite bring myself to do the exact matching thing, but everyone will match color-wise this year. Even Jeff...I don't want to think about me yet...I don't even know if I'll be back in my regular size by then.

Here is what I found. I'm so excited about there Easter clothes. Edana loved her dress. Dec could care less, but Aidan is having some issues. When I showed him his new button up shirt, his exact words were, "I don't think that is right for me." He hates buttons. I already know what Easter morning will be like. I'll have to hold him down to get that shirt on him, but I only do it on Easter and for Easter pictures. He can just suffer through. (i'm such a mean mom)

Saturday night Pamela and Holly, along with all the other ladies from "the ranch" gave me a baby shower. As always, we had a blast!

Holly mad a sheet cake that was sooo delicious, and Bethany made the punch!
Everyone was there but Jennifer and Marty. That can be hard for us to all work out sometimes. We have "girls night" as much as possible. I think in some ways, we are what keeps each other sane. Getting together to have fun and realizing you're not the only one whose husband works insane hours and seems to always be at the ranch. They are an amazing group of women.

Debbie is our "resident nurse" Her and her husband live on the back side of the dorms in a nice little apartment. How they do it, I don't know. I'm glad that our housing was actually down the road. Ardith(standing) is our bookkeeper. She is also kind of the saragot grandma to us younger girls!

Bethany and Maria! They are the two newest "wives." Bethany and her husband(Russell) came last May. Maria and her husband(Mark) just started the first of Janurary. It was actually my first time to meet her. I believe that they all went to Bible School together, and that is how Mark ended up at the ranch.Tara is the poor dear that got stuck in the kitchen after I left. I still feel sorry for her. She works so hard though, and never complains. Not even about the silly National School Lunch Program. She is so sweet and calm.

This is Karen and her daughters (Abi and Sarah) Karen works in the classroom with Jeff. They are quite a pair. I've yet to figure out who is more laid back. They make a good fit in the classroom and with Marty (their supervisor).

Pamela (trying to look big) and me. It seems like there is always someone pregnant at the ranch, and its finally Pamela's turn. She's trying really hard to stick our her belly but its not there. She's four months and not really showing at all. (much to everyone else's disappointment) We lived above B and Pamela for two years. Boy do I miss her! So do my kids. Shes like an aunt instead of a co-worker's wife. She is definately one of my closest friends.

Here is a final picture of all the girls who live on the "commune"(we still haven't come up with a good name for the staff housing area.) minus Tara. She snuck out, quietly as always. I miss being out there with all of them. I wouldn't move back, but I sure do miss being able to drop in on any of them whenever, or having Pamela just a flight of stairs away. I have a feeling I'll especially miss them this Spring when all the big trips start happening. Its nice to have company when your husbands are all away! We may have to invade...Declan was the only male(unless you count the dog, Jester) and only baby there that night. As you can tell by his dirty face, he had plenty of attention and food. And, yes, he was very worn out by the time we left.

While I was having fun with the girls. Jeff had the older two Fords. They went to a birthday party for a girl at church. Afterwards he took them to the mall and they played in the "playground" That is their absolute favorite place to go in the winter when they can't go to the park. Jeff's hand is really improving. Its slow, but he only has to wear the splint when he drives now. He even took notes at church sunday with his right hand. I was very impressed! I guess that is all for our weekend! Thanks to all my girls for the great gifts! I had a great time!


The Hickmans said...

I love the Easter outfits! I can't wait to go shopping for Zayde's. :)

Jessica said...

Okay.. you need to do a post and explain the whole housing "commune" situation. I had NO IDEA that that many people lived and worked together out there! It sounds like it is its own community! Explain it all sometime to me! : ) Souns interesting!

Brittney said...

I can't believe it's already time to think about Easter! It's so early this year that it doesn't seem right! I love your glasses--you look so cute!

Shelly said...

Your hair looks really cute in the baby shower pictures. I don't think I've ever seen it curled like that!