Ford Four

Ford Four



We had a lot of visitors come to welcome Rileigh Cait into the world! It was so nice to be able to share our bundle of joy with our friends and family. We love you all! Shelly, my mom and jeff's mom Helen Jeff was able to change her first diaper! That was such a blessing. He really wasn't sure he'd be able to do much more than hold her, but he can! Praise God!!
Brandon actually held the baby! He was a natural. Pamela managed to get a picture with Rileigh's eyes open! Becky came too All of the kids came after naptime to see there new sister. They loved her of course! Brayden wasn't too sure what his Granny was holding, but he knew it wasn't him.Mike and Sarah came and stayed for a while. They were so excited, I can't wait to see how they react when its their turn to have one.Angie stopped by after work out. She thought some others were coming too, but "lost" them along the way. My cousin, Elesha, stopped by the next morning with her kids. Isaac was so sweet. He had picked out a teddy bear and matching outfit for her. Its a good thing he is sweet because, he'll be the only boy with two little sisters to deal with.Kristen came by after that. She had Zane Micheal with her. He is so adoreable. He just "talked" to Kristen. I would ask Kristen a question and he'd say no. He wasn't too sure about the baby, but he let her hold it anyway.
We had a few other visitors that managed to avoid Jeff and the camera. It really was nice for everyone to come see us and thank you all for the thoughtful gifts.


Unknown said...

It looks like someone needs to teach me how to hold and baby. I've been checking everyday to see if you had a new post since that is all you have to do now!! I love reading yours, Shelly's and Shawna's blogs. Maybe next time I'll be a little more comfortable holding her or maybe I should stick to the older ones. Kathaleen

Shelly said...

I'm glad you had lots of visitors! I wish I could've stayed longer!

Jessica said...

I know Pamela!! We had classes together for teaching! Tell her you know me! What a small world! Kristen looks great! I miss her! : )