Ford Four

Ford Four


Sick and Mourning

Perky title I know, but I'm not too perky today either. I have been running a fever since Monday evening. Tues Jeff made me go to the doctor, but when I got there the fever was gone and the Doc was more concerned with the stomach cramps i having every time I ate. He did some blood work and gave me some zantac until the results came back. By the time I left the pharmacy I was chilling again, and when I got home, I was on fire. We waited until Thursday, the fever persisted so Jeff took me back to the doctor. The triage nurse sent me straight to the lab for a urine analysis. I had a very severe UTI. I wasn't symptomatic at all. Shelly found that strange but mom said two of my aunts did that and ended up in the hospital it got so bad. Thank God, Jeff made me see the doc. I'm not very good about going, and I hate taking meds. Believe me, I'll take these despite the fact they are HUGE! I can't remember be so weak from just a fever, but I had to lay down after going to the bathroom and fixing a cup of coffee this morning. I can already feel myself getting better though!
On a happy note Jeff went to Orientation today and will have his classes in Van Buren. Please pray God makes a way for us to get another car. Jeff's little escort died, so one car when we'll be going two opposite directions could be tricky. We really just aren't wanting to go in debt for another vehicle when the van is almost payed off. I'd rather be debt free than drive something fancy. It just needs to be reliable.
The mourning part, well, one of my dearest friends married and orthodox priest this past weekend, so I doubt she'll be able to come around as much any more. They aren't moving, but they won't be at our church, obviously, and its a fact of ministry...she'll be busy, very busy.
And my sweet precious Sarah, and Mike too, moved away. I'm having a very hard time with that. We(Jeff, the kids, and I) have an extremely special relationship with Mike and Sarah. We've been blessed with so many friends since coming to NWA 4 1/2 yrs ago. Sadly it has dwindle one couple after another moving away. Now, out of the original crew there is us, the Clarks, and Angie. New friends have been added as well, like the Hickmans, and well...several more. Thankfully, they come back to visit, and Mike and Sarah moved to one the best/cheapest places to take kids on a vacation. Next Summer's vacation is already planned...Shelly's for a week, Sarah's for a week, and we'll see where Jason is before we can add him to the list. Although my parents bought a timeshare, so maybe the sibs can just meet in the middle, and have enough room for all eleven kids. Although a strange phenomenon seems to happen when we get together. All the kids end up getting sick when the get home. I've decided its homesickness for their cousins. (Not really) That many kids swapping germs, its bound to happen.
okay, for some perkier news....Rileigh Cait is now four months old, and weighs 14 lbs and is 4/5 of inch from 25 inches. Dr. Livingston just kept telling Jeff, "she's just so tall." She's big like Aidan was. I'm already praying that she won't be self-conscious about her size. Anyway. the chills are coming back, so I'm finishing. Sorry I didn't really explain the pictures above! Maybe I'll add to it when I feel better. Oh, and by the "weigh" I've lost 13 lbs and 2 clothes sizes! That is positive.


Should Be Working

Saturday was designated "finish moving day," but things didn't quite go as planned. Jeff's little car died on his way to get Brandon's truck and the rest of our big stuff. Mom and Dad haven't finished getting their stuff out of the trailer yet, so I gave up for a while. It was a lot more fun outside with the kiddos! The big kids played in the sprinkler. Dec was more interested in what Pawpaw was doing over by the shed. Caity was just having fun hanging out in her bouncy and feeling the breeze. She really is a laid back baby most of the time.

For my two or three faithful readers sorry its been a while. Here is what has kept us so busy in May......

Edana graduated from preschool...twice. And promoted from Rainbows to Daisies

Pamela's baby shower. Only about a month until Rileigh Cait's best friend will be born!

We bid farewell to the ranch with Jeff's last day...I'll blog more about that later. A very difficult bittersweet event. We may not be there, but our hearts could never fully leave. Especially our wonderful friends, that are more like family.

We finally got to a point where Mom and Dad started moving! Yippee!!!!!!!!

Rileigh is growing like crazy! Not quite four months and already starting to out grow her 3-6mo clothes. She is now sleeping in her baby bed in her room with Edana, and she can get hold of her toys and play!

Declan has improved his climbing ability. Now Rileigh isn't safe anywhere!

Aidan started school last week too!

My incredibly, amazingly intelligent husband got his praxis scores back. His scores were great of course, so hopefully he'll start getting called for interviews. Until then, he's playing Mr. Mom, staying home while I work for the summer. I took a job with a lady in our church, Debbie Eden. She has a cleaning business. Boy! I thought I cleaned hard at home. I should really loose weight working for her and doing exercise classes this summer. Maybe it won't be a month before I get to blog again! Until then!