Ford Four

Ford Four


Should Be Working

Saturday was designated "finish moving day," but things didn't quite go as planned. Jeff's little car died on his way to get Brandon's truck and the rest of our big stuff. Mom and Dad haven't finished getting their stuff out of the trailer yet, so I gave up for a while. It was a lot more fun outside with the kiddos! The big kids played in the sprinkler. Dec was more interested in what Pawpaw was doing over by the shed. Caity was just having fun hanging out in her bouncy and feeling the breeze. She really is a laid back baby most of the time.

For my two or three faithful readers sorry its been a while. Here is what has kept us so busy in May......

Edana graduated from preschool...twice. And promoted from Rainbows to Daisies

Pamela's baby shower. Only about a month until Rileigh Cait's best friend will be born!

We bid farewell to the ranch with Jeff's last day...I'll blog more about that later. A very difficult bittersweet event. We may not be there, but our hearts could never fully leave. Especially our wonderful friends, that are more like family.

We finally got to a point where Mom and Dad started moving! Yippee!!!!!!!!

Rileigh is growing like crazy! Not quite four months and already starting to out grow her 3-6mo clothes. She is now sleeping in her baby bed in her room with Edana, and she can get hold of her toys and play!

Declan has improved his climbing ability. Now Rileigh isn't safe anywhere!

Aidan started school last week too!

My incredibly, amazingly intelligent husband got his praxis scores back. His scores were great of course, so hopefully he'll start getting called for interviews. Until then, he's playing Mr. Mom, staying home while I work for the summer. I took a job with a lady in our church, Debbie Eden. She has a cleaning business. Boy! I thought I cleaned hard at home. I should really loose weight working for her and doing exercise classes this summer. Maybe it won't be a month before I get to blog again! Until then!


Anonymous said...

I have missed you!! My kids love playing in the sprinkler and that is where we spend most of our summer. I am looking forward to your next post.

Brittney said...

I'm sorry to hear about Aiden. Email me anytime ( and we can share stories. Has he been evaluated yet? Brooklynn is going to Cross therapy in Fayetteville. We like it so far and they play Christian music all the time--that says a lot! Your parents' house looks great!!!

sheila_j71 said...

With 4 lil ones I'm surprised you have time to move.
Gordon saw Mr Mom in Stilwell the other day with the oldest 2.

Unknown said...

I love the new pictures! Edana is such a big girl now. Aidan will be so smart when he gets out of school this summer. Declan and Rileigh will have fun "home alone" with Dad while the other two are at school I check for new pictures every day like that is all you have to do. The kids are growing so fast. Take care of Jacob while he is over there.

The Hickmans said...

Sounds like you all have been busy! Thanks for the update- I enjoyed the pics. :)

Kyle and Sharon said...

Yay Mandee!! I'm glad to hear how you and your family are doing! Hope that this week is good for you!

Jessica said...

So excited your hubby had good scores! I was very relieved when all my Praxis I-III were done!