Ford Four

Ford Four


Having a Baby

Okay, so you all know I'm having a baby, but now, I have a true date. I went to the doctor today, and have dilated to a 2 1/2. He went ahead and had his nurse schedule an induction. I can't wait. Monday, Feb. 25 is the official day. (Unless, of course, she decides to make an earlier appearance!) I wouldn't necessarily mind if she came earlier, but Monday is still a week earlier than my due date. I'm just so excited next week by this time, I should have a beautiful baby girl. Don't worry, Shelly will post plenty of pictures for me with her new camera, I'm sure! Guess this means Rileigh Cait wins the "race" Jeff is still in a splint some of the time and the house isn't finished. I'll post some pictures of the house's progress in a day or two. Dad has done a lot. Shelly came this weekend and helped out. They've stained most of the floors that are going to be stained and started primering and painting. Now if the workers would just get out here and do their stuff! Maybe they'll be moved in before April.... Oh! on the note. My new couch will arrive on Thursday, so I guess for a few weeks we'll have a LOT of seating. I'm pretty pumped about that coming too, but not near as much as I am about Rileigh Cait! Any of you that want are more than welcome to come by. (There is always a ton of people in and out when I have my babies. We love the company!)


Brittney said...

How EXCITING! I bet you can't wait. I had exactly 14 hours to prepare for my induction with Brooklynn, so I can't imagine the anticipation of waiting 7 whole days! :)

Kim said...

That's great! I am so happy for you!!

Brittney said...

If you Google "Pillowcase dress instructions" you'll find step-by-step instructions on how to make them. I didn't even up using the instructions though. Most of them suggest using elastic at the top, but I just threaded the ribbon through and used bais tape around the arm holes.

The Hickmans said...

How exciting!! I'll be praying for you. I knew 2 days before I was induced- I can't imagine having to wait 7!! Best Wishes. :)