Ford Four

Ford Four


"Kids Say the Darnedest Things"

Kids sure keep life interesting. Usually, with my crew, if you want to hear something "profound" it comes from Edana. Not today though. Aidan and Declan were on a role. I know what you are thinking "Declan doesn't talk" Oh but he does! You just have to be around him to know what he's saying.
I had an appointment scheduled for 3:30 today. I missed the call telling me they were closing due to weather, and not wanting to miss my first weekly check, I trudged all the way up there for nothing. When I got home, Aidan asked the same question he askes everytime I go to the doctor. "Did Rileigh Cait come out?" I replied the usual "No, Rileigh Cait didn't come out today. Its not time yet, remember?" (he was standing in a chair helping mom cook) He turned around looked at me and put his hands on each side of my belly. I said "see she still in there." He squeezed tight and said, "that hurts my hands, momma." Then placing my hand where his were he said, "here you push and i'll catch her." What do you say to that?!
Dec had a very long and late nap, so he ended up staying up much later than the other two tonight. He was sitting on my mom's lap and she asked him where pawpaw was. His response? He looked at their bedroom door and growled! It was too funny. He was also "saying" Boomer Sooner tonight. Mom would say it and he would mimic it. It sounded nothing like those words, but it had the right tune. And the Superman theme. He's been humming that all day. I hope this means he'll have an ear for music like his daddy does!


Kim said...

That is too cute! The older he gets the funnier the things he says will be. I think it is a boy thing. Clayton says stuff, and I just have to stop and think...before I say anything. Boys are so fun!

Jessica said...

Memories! What fun memories!

Shelly said...

What is so funny about this is how serious Aidan is...
I can just see it now!
I know that Declan talks, he talks to me on the phone, when he isn't pushing buttons!

The Hickmans said...

I love the sweet, innocent things kids say!