Ford Four

Ford Four


I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Shelly.

Four jobs I've had:

1. Secretary

2. Bank Teller

3. Bookkeeper

4. MOM

Four places I lived:

1. Westville,Oklahoma

2. Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

3. Lowell, Arkansas

4. Pensacola, Florida

Four movies I've watched over and over:

1. G.I. Blues

2. Shagg

3. Oklahoma

4. 7 Brides for 7 Brothers

Four shows I watch:

1. House Hunters

2. Designed to Sell

3. Wasted Spaces

4. DIY to the Rescue

Four places I've been:

1. Chinle, AZ

2. Hawaii

3. American Samoa

4. Costa Rica

Four people who e-mail me regularly:

1. Mom

2. Sheila

3. Tammy

4. Jennifer

Four favorite thing to eat:

1. Sushi!!

2. Mexican

3. Chinese

4. Home cooking

Four places I'd rather be:

1. The Beach (I can agree with Shelly on that one!)

2. Farther South

3. In bed actually sleeping

4. At the hospital having a baby! (I know, I know...5 more weeks)

Four things I look forward to this new year:

1. Rileigh Cait

2. Mom and Dad's house getting finished (I'm getting anxious to have our own space)

3. My new furniture!!

4. Potential changes....

Four people to tag:

1. Jessica

2. Amy

3. Kelly

4. can't think of anyone else

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