Ford Four

Ford Four


7 Random facts

I was tag by Brittney.
1. I have a very stubborn husband! He is so layed back that most people don't believe me, but once he makes up his mind about're not going to change it. Which is okay, because well, I change my mind about things all the time! (too much) Not really, I can be pretty stubborn at times. But if its not set in stone, well, that means its changeable!
2. I have been an aunt for over half of my short life. I love being an aunt! Its almost as good as being a mom, except I can send them home. I have 3 nephews and 4 nieces, and Jeff has 2 nieces and 3 nephews. That makes for a grand total of 12! I just wish I lived closer to them.

from left to right: in front: Alex holding Aidan, Edana, Caleb holding Declan. in back: Garrett, Jake, Raegan, Alyssa, and Bailey

3. I can't think of anything else! Umm...I have been pregnant every year of my marriage, litterally. I haven't gone more than six months without getting pregnant in the last 5 years. Needless to say, I'm glad we're stopping at four. I'm not like Michelle Duggar! I'm ready to have a life outstide of pregnancy.

4. I have been white water rafting on the Rio Grande. We went this summer after we finished building the church in Arizona. (Before I knew I was pregnant) It was fun. I got out and swam the last little bit, just so that I could say I have been swimming in the rio grande! Even in June the water is freezing. Our guide fell out of the water on our first big rapid. Oh man! That was a little freaky! One minute she is shouting instructions the next minute she is floating down the river. She was the only one that fell out the whole day!

5. I let my husband take my three year old son caving. Not just any cave, one that had to be repelled into. They actually harnessed Aidan up and lowered him down to another staff memeber. I later threw a fit over him taking him up on a cliff that everyone was repelling off of. I had no problem with the cave but the cliff was different. It makes since in my head. I'm not afraid of hieghts for myself, just for others. I'd love to have gone repelling with them...that whole being pregnant all the time thing! I just didn't like knowing Aidan was up that high.

6. oh man! two more....The older I get the more like my Grandma I realize I am. When I was young I thought she was eccentric and "frufru", but not any more. I think I love gold as much as she did. Sometimes I get the urge to paint something gold so bad, I go around the house looking for my next victim. I actually keep gold spray paint on hand, just in case!

7. My secret dream is to be an interior designer. I wouldn't paint everthing gold for other people. I like taking what people like and coming up with a plan for their rooms. I do it for mom all the time, but she doesn't always go for it. I can't wait to decorate my own house. I've already picked out the color schemes. I even put a couch on lay-a-way, just so I could get started planning it all out. The funny thing is, Aidan likes it as much as me. He's always stealing my bh&g mags! Its so funny.

I'm done! I don't think I'll tag anyone because everyone that I know looks at this has already been tagged.


Brittney said...

I'm ready to stop at 1, so I have no idea how you take care of 4! :) When David and I were dating I always said I wanted 4 kids--3 boys and 1 little girl. Since I had the girl first things change! Haha! Are you guys building a house? Where at? We're building next to my parents in Farmington because they have that extra 1 acre lot, but with the housing market so low we're waiting to sell the house we're in.

Jessica said...

Girl, I LOVE gold too! My house is full of reds, golds, and browns.

Jessica said...

I'm going to link you to my blog! (If that is okay with you!)