Ford Four

Ford Four


Girl Time

Sunday was a true family day. We didn't get to go to church, so we had "church" at home with the kids. At first they didn't seem amused but they ended up having fun. We used a video to do praise and worship and then Jeff told them a story and we colored a picture....all in our pajamas. It was kind of refreshing to be honest. We talked about thanking God for things, so when it came time to draw we were supposed to draw pictures of things we're thankful for. Jeff drew our church, I drew stick figures of our family (immediate and extended) and our house; and Edana drew a rainbow with lots of colors. Aidan, well, Aidan drew not one but two pictures of Captain America!
That night Edana helped me make some No Bake Cookies ( favorite!) She had fun and was surprisingly patient. Of course they only take about 10 minutes to make. Perfect for a four year old! Isn't she pretty! I would have preferred to stay out of the pictures, but Jeff didn't listen..... I'm not sure when she got so big! Her final product!!!! She was really proud of her cookies. And she helped clean up the mess! Its good to have a little helper in the kitchen sometimes.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

She reminds me so much of Bailey. She is a good helper! I wish I was out there with you all! I feel so left out! Love ya