Ford Four

Ford Four


What's your name?

Did you have a nickname growing up? I had one. Sometimes I still get called that from time to time. If you know it, well, you know it, but we'll go on now. My kids all have nicknames. I guess its a part of our culture. Edana is "Addy" most of the time(I'm aware it doesn't make sense but that's what we call her.) Aidan is A.J., and Declan is Dec. I remember calling dad to tell him I was having a boy. He asked the name and then asked, "what will we call him for short?" Rileigh has acquired a nickname. She has become Caity to me, RiRi to the kids. Anyway, while my kids have these nicknames they also have another set of nicknames. The ones reserved especially for Uncle Shawn. All of his nieces and nephews have names. As my brothers have gotten bigger he doesn't use them as much, but Garrett was Eeyore for a long time! Aidan is A.J. to Shawn. (I think his is the only one everyone else gets away with using) Above is Egon and Beep. Dec's middle name is Eghan so of course Shawn thought Ghost Busters. At one point I had to explain to Edana the Declan's name wasn't Egon but Eghan. And Brayden couldn't be left out. Apparently Shawn had planned to call him BP, but everyone else did too. He came up with Beep.Then there is Edana. Known to Uncle Shawn as Ed. She even refers to herself as Ed to him. Tonight she brought home a cat from school. I asked her its name and she told me her name is Delilah, but her nickname is Sally. It amused me mostly because Shelly and I were just talking about Shawn's names for the kids last night. Apparently, Ed has her uncles knack for nicknaming things!


Shelly said...

Did you notice that every time Addy hugged me this weekend that she would say "My Shelly"?
I thought that was pretty cute so I would respond, "My Addy!"

Anonymous said...

I don't think my boys even know what their real names are!! Koy has called Dagan "wee bubba" since the day he was born and that is what everyone else started to call him also.