Ford Four

Ford Four


One (Busy) Month

From her first trip to church to her first two holidays, and LOTS of visitors in between, Rileigh Cait has had a very eventful first month. This was her first church day. (Don't worry Uncle Shawn, if you see this, I just left the headband in long enough for pictures! My sister's baby holding my baby. I really thought I took more pictures of everyone holding her, but I guess I rely a little too much on Shelly to take the pictures when she is there. As I said before. I didn't do a very good job taking pictures. Grandpa, Uncle David, and Krystal and her three kids came to visit the Saturday before Easter. We don't visit them like we should. When Grandma was still alive, we were up there at least once a month. If not, she'd be calling me wanting to know when we were coming. This time of the year is hard. I really wish our schedule and budget allowed for more traveling, especially to Tulsa. Josh and Andrea came by too, but I didn't take their pictures either... Aunt Shelly and Declan playing around. Uncle Jason gave the boys haircuts for me. I love Dec's hair buzzed short...others don't necessarily agree, but I think its soo cute. He looks really white with his sunburned cheeks! Oh! Jason's baby holding my baby. She looks awfully sweet doesn't she. She is, but she's got a mischievous side too. I told her to do something one day and she looked at me and said, "I not your momma." I tried not to laugh the first time, but I did make her go to time after the third time she said. She looks so much like Alex did at that age. I wish the other kids could have been her too.
My adopted family came by on Monday of Spring Break...St. Patrick's Day! You can't tell really well in the pictures, but Jeff dressed her in a green onsie and a green and pink bib. In the green shirt is Sarah, one of my very best friends! Her sister Hannah is in the purple. She lives is K.C., so we got a special visit! They are triplets. The other sister looks identical to Sarah. Sarah has taken on the role of adopted aunt. We are almost family (my cousin is married to her aunt.) Rileigh's other holiday was Easter. While it didn't mean getting to eat yummy Irish food, it did mean getting to spend some fun time with the family on Sat. hunting Eggs. Shelly and Shawna posted some fun pictures from that day. When I posted before, I mentioned that Dec didn't pay much attention to Rileigh. That has changed! He tries to climb all over her now, even when she is on my lap. Its so cute when he climbs up beside her and say "hi, sissy." or "hi, rileigh." And she really do seem to grin at him a lot! Yesterday, he figured out he could climb up on the couch and our bed with her. Today, I put the pack and play in the living we needed more furniture in there. He couldn't get in, so he kept trying to push her around. I pushed it up against Mom's couch, but he eventually figured out he could get to her that way. I caught him just before he started to climb in with her. I don't know how I'll keep him off of her. This is how I spend the majority of my day. If you don't believe me, you can look at my house and tell! Its a mess!
Mommy update-I went to the doctor Wednesday. He released me to normal activity, as if I've been taking it easy, and I have lost 6lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight. No where near my goal weight, but I have major plans!
I guess that is our first month with Rileigh. Maybe sometime during her second month she'll decide to sleep for more than 3 hours at a time! That would be wonderful!


Unknown said...

Our pictures of her and the Easter Basket you couldn't see her face. I'm glad got one her first Easter Egg Hunt with me holding her!

Shelly said...

I just love pictures of myself without makeup!
That was sarcasm, if you couldn't tell!
Miss you!

Jessica said...

Your baby is getting big!

The Hickmans said...

I'm so glad you are doing well! What a precious family. :)