Ford Four

Ford Four


Regression, Tantrums, and Fun

With each new change whether good or bad, adjustment must come. My kids tend to struggle with change. I don't know why. Sometimes I wonder if we are too routine about things, then we'll have a really crazy week and I'll realize that is not the case. In any case, this week has been a major adjustment week. Dec is handling things great...he just ignores Rileigh until she cries. He's starting to acknowledge her more. He wants so bad to pick her up and play with her like a doll. It scares me to death! I love the third picture here. She had her big foot sticking out of her gown. She is so tiny with such big feet!Oh, and he's decided take up art as a new hobby. He actually holds his crayon or pencil very well. You just can't tell it in the picture because he decided to throw it. He's got a great arm too. Jeff's thinking jump shot, I'm think pitcher...only because i don't think he'll be tall enough for quarterback.
Aidan seems to be having the roughest time. He doesn't quite know where he fits. He's not the oldest...Edana will be sure to tell you that, but he is when Edana is at school. He does love his new sister though. He's so attentive.Oh...there's a temper tantrum. I'm so not a sympathetic mom. You throw a tantrum; I'll take your picture and tell your little brother you've decided to be a baby. Yep, and my husband is the one with a master in psychology. Too bad it didn't rub off on his wife!This is Aidan's favorite place to play. I've thought about rearranging when mom and dad move and putting a window seat there. He spends a huge portion of his day just like that...wearing nothing but his underwear, playing with superheroes in the window.You've got to admit, he's awfully cute! He's really proud of the fact that he's heard us talking about how much Rileigh Cait looks like him, too.Edana doesn't do change well at all. She really doesn't like giving up her "time with momma." She's having fun having a sister, but she's glad she's got some brothers that can actually play with her.
Mom and Dad have been adjusting as well. Mostly to not getting enough sleep and figuring out how long it really takes us to get around and go somewhere...Yes, Mom and Shelly, it takes even longer now! I did however have to make a trip into town by myself for the first time. It wasn't horrible, but it made me realize I HAVE to get a tandem stroller. I forgot how handy that was with a 15mo old and a newborn. I went all over the place with Edana and Aidan in theirs.
All loaded up and ready to go. At least the day I went was the warmest day we had this week. I could have had to go when it was snowing. (I did have to pick Edana up when it was snowing, but that's not as bad as multiple stops in town!) All in all, its been fun! I guess we'll just have to see what next week brings...maybe a clean house. Now that would be an accomplishment!Goodnight for now! The clock says 10:30 but I know its really 11:30 too bad she doesn't have that figured out yet! Have a good week!


Shelly said...

Thanks for posting. I feel better now! She is changing. I can't wait to see you all again!

Unknown said...

I loved the new pictures. I check every morning to see if there are new ones. Maybe next time I'm over I'll get to hold her but Uncle Shawn & Aunt Shelly will have already been there and probably have spoiled her.

Anonymous said...

All of your babies are so cute. Wow, Rileigh does have some big feet! Both of my boys have big feet also. They skipped newborn socks and went straight to 3-6 month size!

Unknown said...

Since Dec has taken up art I went to the news paper office today and bought 5 end rolls of paper. It looks like it will great for art work. Maybe he will share with his big sister & brother. I'll send it with Shawn & Shelly or Shawna. Let me know when you start running low and I'll get more for you. I don't know how often I can get it but I'll try pkxfpto keep stocked up.

Jessica said...

I love that he pkays with super heros int he window. That is just the coziest, sweetest memory! : )

Brittney said...

They are all precious! I don't know how you do it because I can barely handle one! :)

Brittney said...

Oh, and Brooklynn is just like Aiden--she LOVES to be naked. She strips EVERYTHING off and runs around the house like that. Last night I heard her crying in her room after I put her to sleep, so I went in to check on her and she was naked in her bed! (she is definitely like her daddy!)

The Hickmans said...

What sweet pictures!! I have enjoyed going through your past posts that I have missed over the last few weeks. You have such a beautiful family! I hope you all are beginning to adjust better. :)