Ford Four

Ford Four


Spare time...what's that?

Oh my goodness! Its been forever since I blogged. I've been waiting for Shelly to blog only to realize that I haven't. Well, lets see. I've been chasing Dec, feeding Rileigh, and praying the rain will stop so the other two can go outside. Plus a little crafting on the side. (I did a couple of hat boxes anyway.)Now the yard is out of control, so tomorrow we're going to have to finally mow. (So much for Sunday being a day of rest. Although, I don't believe any mom has a day of rest...especially on Sunday.)Most importantly Rileigh was dedicated last Sunday!
Oh! I did start an excercise class. (I'll spare you any pictures of that.) A lady in our church has a ministry called W.O.W (Women's Overall Wellness) She does fitness classes three nights a week, will help you with your own nutrition needs, and its all for free. Its such an awesome ministry, and I think about half the women involved are from outside of the church. If you've been wanting to get in shape/heathly but didn't feel comfortable or couldn't afford a gym or need outside motivation, you should check her out. They meet at 5:30 on Mon, Wed, and Fri. Mondays are pilates, Wednesday is kickboxing, and Friday is weights and cardio. She's pretty intense, but I was actually pretty comfortable despite my lack of ability. There is so many different types of women that i didn't feel like the fat cow of the group. One woman in the group has dropped like 5 or 6 sizes since starting last August!
Rileigh Cait is growing like a weed and changing everyday. Declan can't wait to play with her, but for now, he'll have to stick to wrestling with Aidan. Edana will be enrolling in school next week. Wow! My baby is starting school! Edana and Aidan both had birthday parties to go to last weekend! Jeff is taking the praxis next Sat, and I'll be having surgery on Thursday. Mom and Dad's house is almost finished...I think. Hopefully that means we'll all have our own space before long. Really, I just miss my king size bed with its soft, velvety comforter. Life doesn't really have a chance to slow down around here. Of course, if it did, I'd go crazy from boredom!
Tuesday, Jeff and I had the chance to dress up like adults and enjoy a taste of culture. A friend of ours is graduating with his masters in music. He had his violin recital. It was so good I felt that I should share with everyone! (I had more, but it takes too long to download) We had a great time! Of course, we had to go to Wal-mart after. For some reason, we can't go out without a trip to Wal-mart...its a strange phenomenon.


Anonymous said...

You are right, I don't think moms get a day of rest! I know I don't. I wish I had time to start an exercise program. I guess I will just have to stick with chasing my boys around the house.

Jessica said...

Love the boxes!! Very cute!