Ford Four

Ford Four


How Time Flys

If there is one thing that can't be missed during a trip Meemaw and Pawpaw's house, its playing at the mall! My kids think it is the best thing ever. Yeah, their experiences are limited, but Hey! they're easy to please!!
I remember teasing Jeff about his ten year reunion the year we got married....he was SO old! Ha! That was until mine came this summer. I didn't have any gray hair for mine, and if i had, no body would have seen it! I'm just teasing Jeff. I actually like his gray hair, and he isn't going to dye his...hopefully! We had a great time at the reunion. We met at P.G. for family time. It was great to see all of their families. I have to say our class has some cute kids. Unfortunately, I was too busy socializing and keeping up with Rileigh Cait to take pictures. this is the only one I actually took. Jessica did an excellent job taking pictures, thankfully!
That night was for adults only. We rarely have actual date nights, so it was extra special spending it with my old school friends!These were my girls, Amanda, Kristen, me, Tab. We were missing Amanda and Tania
me, Melissa, and Jessica.
Jarrod, me, and Jessica. Jarrod was my hero in high school, but I think he must have gotten taller...I don't remember being that short!
Tab and I had to relive our typical Sat night activity! It was so funny. Neither of us have gotten any better, but it was still hilarious! I think Jeff and I won because her or Heather knocked the eight ball in the wrong pocket! We also had a great time getting to know Heather's husband Matt.
Jeff had fun too. Kristen's husband, Steven, and Matt made for great company. It was a wonderful time. I hope we see them all again before the next ten years!


Jessica said...

Aww! Thanks for the kind words! We had fun that night, didn't we?! : )

FaithFarms said...

Finally, an update! Good to see you had such fun at your reunion. Greg didn't go to his last year. Mine will be coming up soon! I can't believe so many years have passed! AHH! I am getting OLD!

Brittney said...

I'm glad you guys all had fun! I know Jarod worked hard on it! :)