Ford Four

Ford Four


The change in me..W.O.W.!

In April I started attending W.O.W. fitness classes at Trinity Fellowship. It is a free ministry offered to the women of northwest arkansas. They now offer cardio/dance style classes, strength/fitness classes, and kickboxing style classes. The classes are held at Trinity Fellowship in building B weekday mornings at 8 a.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings at 4:30 and Friday evenings at 5:30. Not only are you getting a chance to have FREE fitness classes, but you have an opportunity to have the support of average women just like yourself. The classes are taught by Tammy Hill (she started the ministry) and a few of the ladies who started taking classes under Tammy and now are capable of teaching them. (They aren't certified, just self-taught, but the results can't be argued with!) If you live in the area, check them out. Its not just a bunch of ladies who go to church at Trinity Fellowship. Other women from the community come as well. Donations and fundraisers make it possible to have the free classes. Now for my testimonial. The other night at the end of Cardio Groove, the instructor, Debbie Eden, played a song as we were stretching out. The simple gist of the song was that they weren't who they used to be. I started tearing up as I thought about who I had been. I don't have pictures, but in high school I was very skinny. I got this way by not eating. My senior year, I got sick. Mom took me to the doctor and the first thing he said was, "you have to gain 10lbs." I felt like I'd been slapped in the face. I didn't have good eating habits to fall back on. I either ate or I didn't. I gained about 20lbs in the next year. When I met Jeff I was a size nine. By our wedding day I was a 14. I had no idea how to get it off. Pregnancy just made it worse. After having Declan, I started really trying to eat better...I wasn't very good at it. I was a size 18! After 6 months, I finally lost one size. I was so pumped...then I realized I was pregnant again. I made a promise to myself to not gain too much weight. I gained 25 and when I went for my four week checkup I was 6lbs less than when I got pregnant. As soon as the doc said I was good, I started attending the W.O.W. classes. Tammy doesn't just teach fitness, she is constantly sending out e-mails loaded with great health living tips. This picture is me a month after Declan was born. I was pathetic. I'm usually behind the camera, so this is the best example I could find of me now. This was taken in June. Just 2 months into the classes. That is a size 14!! Back to where I was when Jeff and I got married.
We moved in August and I've had a struggle trying to do it on my own. There is a lot to be said for support. Especially outside support. (Its a little unfair to ask your husband and family to play the role of trainer and conscience) I actually got to a size 12, but I gained back to a fourteen. (the time changed making it harder to get to run and my dvd player broke, so I couldn't do my videos.) Plus having those specific times to workout made it easier for me. Doing it on my own, well, there's always a kid needing me or housework to do. I miss the classes. Jeff and I have set a schedule..and we got a dvd player for the kids for Christmas, so I can get back on track. Working out makes such a difference in me as a mom, wife, and christian. I can't even begin to describe it. Try it yourself, and if you live in the area, check out the W.O.W. classes. They are a Godsend!


The Hickmans said...

You have done such a great job and I know that you will get back into it and accomplish your goals- Good luck!

The Hickmans said...

Mandee, will you please read the new post on my blog and be in prayer for our family. Thank you.