Ford Four

Ford Four


What's up with that!

Have you ever really wanted something and every time you thought you were going to get it something happened. Edana loves animals and has wanted a puppy since she was big enough to ask for one. After 3 tries, Jeff and I decided it just wasn't happening. Well, if there is one thing that Edana is, its persistent. She has begged and begged. She proved responsible this summer with the stray cat dad took in. Even now when we're visiting she feeds "her cat" every day. After our last visit Jeff and I had a talk. Maybe now was the time. We could afford to take care of a dog properly, Edana is bigger and has shown responsibility, why not! Jeff looked at the dogs online. I called the pound and talked to them about the dogs Jeff picked out. This was our first choice. His name is Scooter. A sweet black lab mix. We were going to rename him Boomer. Unfortunately he was terrified when we got home. we tried for 3 days. It hid behind the toilet seat or under the step. Finally we took him back. As soon as he was back at the pound, he was happy as, well... a puppy. Shelly said he must have been suicidal!
This was number two! Our sweet wonderful perfect puppy! They told us it was a girl. Upon further inspection he was a boy! Alex helped us name her Darcy. He was just right. He was young but not too wild. The only thing he did was whine to come in and get tangled on his run. (He had fleas and was too young for meds, so he lived outside.) He was so cute. After we had him a couple weeks, thinking he was 8 weeks old, we got some frontline and took care of the fleas. We brought him to mom and dad's with us last Sunday. He did pretty good in the van, but we discovered something on the way. He was wormy. OH! That grosses me out. Not too big, I'd go get him some meds the next morning, right? Unfortunately the next morning didn't come. My sis-in-law said it was probably the worms(hopefully it wasn't the frontline), but when I went out to put him in the trailer (that's where we're sleeping this trip) he was laying almost dead out by our van. I wrapped him up and let him die. It was so sad. Edana was so upset. I took her out and let her tell him "bye." I don't what most would think of that but I thought it would help her understand.
Wish I understood. Maybe we're not meant to have a dog. The kids have already asked if they could have a new one, but I get attached to this puppies. I'm not sure I want to keep trying. Would you keep trying or just take it as a sign you shouldn't have one.


Anonymous said...

Oh I am so sorry! Our boys got a puppy for Christmas. We got them one for Valentines Day this year and it died a few weeks later. The vet said it was probably parvo, but this new puppy we got all of its shots before we brought it home. I hope they work...

NurseMom said...

I feel your pain! When the time is right, you can get another. I think it was good that you let Addy know and didn't hide it from her. I posted a new blog. I think you'll like it!

sheila_j71 said...

We had or have the same problem.. Seemed like every time we had a dog it would get run over. Bethany really took the last one hard. The one we have now is basically Gordon's. She doesn't like anyone else. I'm bout to have a fit on gettin another white german shepherd. Trying to talk Gordon into it. They will be ready 1st of Feb.