Ford Four

Ford Four


Unemployed in Greenland

With one week until teachers go back to school, Jeff has a couple of potential jobs but no actual offers. The places currently showing intrest are places we'd have to move to in order for him to take the job. We knew that was a possibility when he started this venture, but I thought I'd have a little more time to make a move happen. We'd have to get on the ball too because Edana is starting kindergarten. Wow! I think it must be impossible for us to do anything the easy way. We really need everyone's prayers.
As far as other things go, we've had a fun summer. I'm a little sad to see it end. At least the end of summer means the start of football season! Its been a full summer with playdates, birthday parties, and of course company...aunt shelly, uncle shawn, and cousins!
Dec and Brayden had a great, messy time playing together. They are so cute together!This is Brock, him and his sister, Attalie, came for a play date. I think Brock would have taken Rileigh home with him. He loved holding her!Edana's best friend from church, Abigail, had a princess party. You can see in the picture, Edana didn't want to dress up like the rest of the girls. She made her own princess outfit.I finally got a picture of the boys with Aunt Shelly! Uncle Shawn's picture with Aidan is just what it looks like. He hosed him off after Shelly gave him a haircut.
Most of the summer, we just had fun around the house. We do have a great place out here! Rileigh Cait has hit a couple of milestones this last month as well! She rolled over from her back to her belly. She's doing it all the time now. She has started eating baby cereal! She does really well, too!Well, Dec is yelling to get out of his chair, not that he yells or anything! I better go help Jeff!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look like you had a great summer! Koy is starting Pre-K this year. When I read your comment about football season, it made me think back to high school! Oh the time we had :)