Ford Four

Ford Four



I guess I had to come all the way back to Winslow to blog... The transition to our new life in smallville is going quite well. I'm finding I kinda like small town life. If there is one thing I've learned about Hermitage, it is that hermits they are not. Most everyone has been very friendly. Edana is loving school. Her teacher seems really nice and she's made several friends. She even went to her first slumber party. Aidan is going to head start. He seems to like it as well. He mostly just talks about one little boy being his friend. Declan and Rileigh are just stuck with me at home. We actually have a lot of fun during the day. Dec is potty training now and Rileigh is trying really hard to figure out how to get mobile. So I'm just working hard to keep the floor clean! The people have been welcoming. Its definitely a more ethnically diverse area, but there doesn't seem too much division. There is some of course, but I guess that would be Utopia if there was none. We've made friends with our neighbors across the street. They are the pastors at the baptist church in town, and just a couple of years older than me. Their oldest is in first grade and has become one of Edana's favorite friends. They also have a girl about to turn 3, and a boy just a couple of months younger than Declan. Praise God for new friends! It has really made things easier. Jeff likes the school. He took another praxis this month for teaching speech. He'll have to take another in Jan for drama, and he's going to start tutoring after school. He keeps pretty busy, but not terrible so. He's finally figuring out a system for doing his lesson plans that keeps him from working til three in the morning! Not that Jeff would need much excuse to stay up late. Sometimes I think he must just dislike sleeping or something. He tries to stay up so late. Stresses me out! I like sleep too much for that! We've also agreed to work with the youth at the Assembly of God in Warren. Not sure as to what extent that will be, but we'll have to see. We plan to sit down with the pastor and discuss things more, but we will be at least teaching the Sunday school class after this weekend. For this weekend, we get to be back at Trinity! That has been the hardest part of moving. Trinity Fellowship is one of the best churches ever, and having to leave has been very hard. The people at our new church are very attentive, but our relationships with our friends at Trinity were so deep. I miss them greatly! I wouldn't take the move back. Its been good for us, and its been an adventure. Sometimes the hardest endeavors in our lives can turn out to be the most exciting, rewarding adventures. Knowing God is directing our way, makes it all the more worth it! Of course, it also helps that I'm on these adventures with Jeff! I love him so much!
Aidan is our reason for making a trip to "slow town" so soon. He was given the option of a party at the park or one with his papaw. He chose the obvious! I love the jaw-dropped expression in the picture below. He just realized he'd gotten a new batman! His birthday is actually on Monday, so we'll cook him a special dinner then and give him the presents we got him. I can't wait to see his expression when he sees his new "Bucky" (for those of you who don't have husbands or sons with a super hero obsession...Bucky is Capt. America's sidekick originally.)Dec, ever the egocentric toddler thought the batman car should be for him. That's always a fun lesson to teach!Rileigh Cait is practicing for future bull riding. Mom starts them young you know!The only quiet time I have most days is when Dec gets a book out. All of the kids love books. Fitting for kids of an English teacher I suppose. Having books such as Great Expectations, Book of the Dun Cow, LOTR and various other books read to them aloud might have helped that along.Maybe I'll actually make it to the library to blog again soon. Its hard to make it there when its only open on Mon, Wed, and Fri. Then I have to chose between running or blogging, and well blogging doesn't help my clothes size go down. I am proud to say I have lost a total of 22lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. I am officially a size 12! (never thought I'd be proud to admit that) Two more sizes to reach my ideal goal. Not long after high school I cried because I had to wear a nine. Oh how things change. I'm much more self confident now. With God, Jeff, and Tammy Hill I have overcome a lot of self image issues. Life isn't perfect, but it sure is good!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad things are going well. Sounds like you have a wonderful little town!

Kim said...

It is sure good to hear how you are doing. I was wondering about you.

Jessica said...

So happy for your update! Tell Jeff to hang in there with teacheing. The first year is the hardest. It WILL get easier. I hope he has a good mentor that can answer his questions.

Glad you are doing well! : )
Email me your new address!

The Hickmans said...

I'm so glad you are all adjusting well and making friends. God is always so faithful!