Ford Four

Ford Four


Our Baby Story

Rileigh Cait Ford: Born Feb.25, 2008. Weight: 7lbs Height:19 3/4 inches Head:12cm Chest:13cm My tiny little baby girl with a head full of black hair! She looks like a little indian baby now, but we'll see. Dec did too, but he's the blondest of all my kids now. I'd really like to see her keep her hair and dark skin. You can also see her on the web nursery I may be bias, but I find her very beautiful!!!The order of the first five pictures tells it all. It went just like that.Nurse came. I waited. Dr. Hix broke my water. I wasn't smiling anymore. Rileigh Cait was here!
We arrived at the hospital a little before 5:30am. It took them awhile to get anything going. Then the nurse forgot to pass on info during shift change, so it was about 8:30 before they actually got things going. Dr Hix came in at nine, but he couldn't break my water because of Rileigh's position. He left to do a "procedure" and came back at 11:00 to finally be able to break my water. I really expected things to go like before. After about an hour, I decided, if it was going to be a while, I might as well have an epidural. She got me all ready and checked and I was an 8. No point in getting one if I was that far along...I thought. Then I changed my mind again in about 15 minutes. She left to go get things going for the epidural and I about came up out of the bed. Its amazing that they call that "pressure" All I knew was I needed to push and the only medical person in the room was my sister. She calmly paged for the nurse, but when they didn't hear her, I wasn't so calm. By the time the nurse got in there I was a little paniced. I knew I wasn't supposed to push, but my body didn't want to listen at all. She yelled for the back up doctor, and poor Dr.Gorman came running down the hall with his intern. That intern may chose a different profession after what he witnessed. Dr. Groman was trying to get his scrubs on over his dress clothes while telling the nurse to stay there and be ready to catch. I pushed once. Literally. As soon as he got over to us and they said I could push when I was ready, there she was! I asked him afterward if I only pushed once and he kinda laughed. He said that I pushed once and she came out from her waist up, so he helped her the rest of the way out. I was just glad they let me push! Oh and the intern, he never moved from his spot in the corner. I guess Rileigh just wanted to enter our little world with some flare! She did that for sure.


Shelly said...

You did great!
Love you

Jessica said...

She is gorgeous!! : )

Brittney said...

Congratulations!!! She's beautiful! I wanted to try to do it naturally with Brooklynn, but after they broke my water (6 hrs into labor) I decided I needed the EPI. I'm so glad I got it since I ended up w/ a c-section!

sheila_j71 said...

Johnson Hosp and staff are great. I had Chase there. She's a doll of course.
Great Job!!

Gary and Kellye said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful! Sounds like everything went as smoothly as you could hope for (I hope I'm as fortunate)!