Ford Four

Ford Four


A little slow...

What happened to reviving the Blog??? Well, reality, and me being technologically challenged. We have a desk top that isn't hooked up to the wireless we snag from the parents. (why pay for it when theirs works just fine, right? Ha!) Anyway, this has hindered my time for actually blogging. Add to that the fact that my children carried off and misplaced the battery charger for the camera. As much as they love seeing their faces on here, you'd think they'd help me out a little. However, my husband just pointed out a very simple, obvious fact. I can blog from my iPad. Duh!!! Hello, my name is Mandee and I've recently joined the new millenium. Yay! Now blogging will be all kinds of convenient. Be ready. Here is a pic of my knight in shining armor just because he made my night and besides, what's a blog without a pic?