Ford Four

Ford Four


More Progress!

After days of rain, this is what we found this morning when we went outside. Heating and air crew and the framers were back to put in the windows! By the time we got home it was dark, so I didn't get any pictures of the outside. The whole back has been sided and one end! All but the big window and two doors have been installed
Working hard and its not even 8:00! (just don't let mom catch you with that cigarette out there on the insulation and drywall go up!) She'll smell that from a mile away! The bay windows are going to be great!These are in the living room Master bedroom All the duct work is done! (Dad wasn't too happy about where they put the outside unit.) For some reason, they put it on the west end. I think it'll work out though. The north, where dad wanted it, is so pretty it may have taken away from it. That whole end is full of windows, and there will be a nice size deck out there.
Shower in the master. The tub is in too, but that picture was too dark. Its got a nice big frosted window above it. Now, who would pick this for a back door? Me either! Dad almost missed their mistake. Should be a pretty french door here. This door belongs in the laundry room. I guess every building project has there glitches. This one shouldn't be to hard to fix.Oh! now that door is pretty! Maybe it goes in the laundry room, that way everyone can see our laundry! Oh wait! It goes in the living room...who would have thought! On a side note: My date stamp is obviously wrong. I have realized it and fix it. Sorry if you are ocd and it stresses you out!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I can't wait for mom and dad's house to be finished. It will be so nice to have two houses out there, then we can all spread out when we come home! Hopefully, we'll make it home soon so we can see it in person!