Ford Four

Ford Four


My BIG Boy

aidan's lion. not sure why he drew it sideways
My little flame (that's what Aidan means) turned five last Tuesday. I'm not sure how he got to be that old overnight. Time has flown! I believe we named him well. At times he can be the calming factor in our rambunctious clan, then he turns around and heats things up. He has become an extremely imaginative artist. The picture above is one of his many from the paint program on our computer. My favorite thing with him is to sit and watch him draw on Jeff's dry erase board. He doesn't just draw a picture. He draws a story and the whole picture comes to life. Its so much fun just to let him go at it for about 15-20 minutes. He'll have the whole lower half of Jeff's board covered from one end to the other! Here is a little picture tribute to my 5 year old!He is pretty proud of his #14 Sam Bradford jersey!
1st birthday! I believe the boys still play with that truck and car!
Aunt Shelly giving him his first haircut. 1 year old.
Christmas 2005 - 15mos. old
New year's day 2006- 15mos old
Easter 2006- 18 mos old
Summer 07- 2 years old He is Pawpaw's boy! he's going to hate this picture some day!!
A little too big for the sing, but a 2 1/2 he just didn't quite have the balance for a regular swing.
I think he was getting ready to throw that grass clod at his sister.... SUPERMAN!!! Halloween 2008- 4 years old Thanksgiving 2008- 4 yrs old 5th Birthday- practicing his end zone dance.
I wish I had pictures to show from infant to now, but I didn't have a digital camera until Aidan was two and a lot of them are on my mom's computer up north! (I've officially lived here too long if I'm referring to northwest Arkansas as up north) This is what I did find of my Big guy. I say big because he is. At nine months Aidan wore 2t clothes and was the average size of a two year old. Its slowed down a little. At age five he was only the size of a six year old. He's bigger than most of Edana's buddies at school. She only has maybe a half inch on him! He is consistently off the chart for height and at the 95th percentile in weight. He's a gentle giant though. Not as laid back as his daddy, but he loves to cuddle and take care of people/things. He is so sweet and when he looks at you with those big brown eyes you kinda forget that he could ever do anything mischievous.

1 comment:

AjA said...

They grow up way too fast! I can't believe he wore 2T clothes @ 9 mo. (but his daddy is tall so it makes sense)!

Oh, and about your comment on my blog...She does need a real pig! Jarod thinks she's going to be like Kristen was in highschool and treat her pig like a child.